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Oblivion:Orgnolf Hairy-Legs

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Quests: written by Already Written, checked by SerCenKing (CS & in-game)

Schedule: written by SerCenKing (CS & in-game)

Services: written by Corevette789 N/A (In-Game), checked by Manic (CS & in-game)

Personal Inventory: written by mxk101 (CS), checked by Helenaannevalentine (in-game)

House Contents: written by GK (N/A - Castle Chorrol), checked by Manic (CS & in-game)

Unique Dialogue: written by Already Written, checked by SerCenKing (CS & in-game)

Rumors: written by SerCenKing (CS & in-game)

Faction: written by already there, checked by Vulpa (CS)

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Orgnolf Hairy-Legs
(RefID: 0002BA8E)
Home City Chorrol
House Castle Chorrol Private Quarters
Race Nord Gender Male
Level PC-1 Class Commoner
RefID 0002BA8E BaseID 000222B9
Other Information
Health 53 + (5+1.8)x(PC-2), PC=6-24
Magicka 75 + 3.5x(PC-2) (max=250)
Responsibility 80 Aggression 5
Essential Until Canvas the Castle is completed
Faction(s) Chorrol Castle; Chorrol Citizen
Orgnolf Hairy-Legs

Orgnolf Hairy-Legs is a bad-tempered Nord commoner working as a porter at Castle Chorrol. He is one of the possible suspects during the Canvas the Castle quest.

After waking up at 6am, Orgnolf spends the next ten hours wandering around the Castle's Great Hall and the Private Quarters. At 4pm, he leaves to get some fresh air and spends four hours wandering around the fountain near the city's South Gate. At 8pm he heads back and spends the rest of the evening again wandering around the Castle, before heading to his bed in the Private Quarters at midnight. The only exception to this routine is during the related quest, when he will skip the fountain trip and instead remain indoors.

Orgnolf wears a set of lower-class clothing: a coarse linen shirt, coarse linens and a pair of rough leather shoes. He carries the key to the castle private area and a copy of the Countess' key. He also carries a small amount of gold.


His grumpy nature is evident as soon as you meet him:

"What do you want?"
"Chorrol's got plenty to eat, and good, thick walls, and that suits me fine. I don't know what's going on out there in the woods, and I don't need to."

Upon exiting conversation, he will lament:

"Back to work for poor old Orgnolf!"

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-related Events[edit]


Canvas the Castle[edit]

After you've been tasked by the Countess to investigate the missing painting, you'll hear about Orgnolf's drinking habits from the other Castle residents:

Orok gro-Ghoth: "Hmmmm. I don't remember seeing Chanel or Orgnolf that entire evening. But then again, I stayed in my quarters most of the night. There was no point in going on my usual walk with all of the rain falling. As far as Chanel and Orgnolf go, they seem fine to me. I only had a minor scrape with Orgnolf recently. I caught him drinking in the West Tower on the upper level. I told him if he didn't stop, I would tell the Countess. He just grumbled and agreed. He hasn't bothered me since."
Laythe Wavrick: "My duties rely on watching no more than the throne and attending to visitors. But confidentially, I will say that Orgnolf has been acting a bit unusal [sic]. His abuse of drink has gotten worse lately. He has taken to asking for money from others to purchase spirits. A porter's wage does not befit his habit."

You'll then need to track down Orgnolf and interrogate him. Again, he won't be too friendly:

"So? You a living statue or are you gonna say something?"
"So, the Countess hired you to find the painting, eh? Well, you'll not find it by gawking at me."
Stolen Painting
"Aye, it was a fine portrait of a fine man."

If you try to press him on his whereabouts, his response will depend on how much he trusts you:

Gather Clues
"Who do you think you are questioning me? I'd just assume [sic] ask a goblin maiden to a dance then [sic] to answer your stupid questions." (Disposition below 60) (check)
"The night of the theft, I was in the Great Hall, having an argument with a delivery boy from Bravil. It seems his horse lost its footing in the heavy rain we had that night and the shipment of port that it was carrying slipped to the ground. The fall broke most of the bottles. He didn't want to claim responsibility, but I gave him what for and sent him away. After that, I spent the rest of the night in my quarters... reading."

Speaking to him again will only net you:

"You again?"
"Oh. It's Valga's errand boy! How goes the 'big important investigation'?"

If you accuse him at any point before you have collected all the necessary evidence, you will only succeed in annoying him:

"Look me in the eye when you answer this. You dare accuse me?"
Yes, I accuse you of the crime.
"You ever hear the expression, 'fools rush in where Daedra fear to tread'? Well, accusing anyone without evidence is mighty foolish." (-10 Disposition)
No, I'm not accusing you.
"Then get away from me and get back to your duties, so I can do mine."

Once you've collected all possible evidence (and perhaps found Orgnolf's drinking den in the nearby tower) you can accuse him of the crime, which will further enrage him:

Yes, I accuse you of the crime.
"I don't care what you have found. I am telling you, I am not the one you are looking for! And I will speak to the Countess of your accusations! Now off with you!" (-30 Disposition)

If you speak to him again about accusations after this, he will rage:

"Have you taken leave of your senses? We already covered this! Now go away!"

Once the quest is completed, he will now greet you with:

"I suppose I should be happy to see you again. I'm not."

When leaving conversation he now sighs:

"No rest for the weary Orgnolf."

Unused Dialogue[edit]

  • Orgnolf had another line for the Stolen Painting topic, to be heard once the quest was completed: "Well, I suppose I should congratulate you on returning the painting to the Countess. I won't." However, as the topic is not available, you will be unable to hear it.
  • He also has another greeting line you will never hear: "A visitor. What a treat. So go ahead. Whoever you are. They call me Orgnolf Hairy-Legs. Because I got hairy legs. Am I going too fast for you?"