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Oblivion:Imperial Trading Company (place)

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Imperial Trading Company
(view on map)
Console Location Code(s)
ICWaterfrontImpTradingCo02Basement, ICWaterfrontImpTradingCo02Warehouse, ICWaterfrontImpTradingCo02WarehouseUpstairs, ICWaterfrontImpTradingCo03Basement, ICWaterfrontImpTradingCo03Warehouse, ICWaterfrontImpTradingCo03WarehouseUpstairs, ICWaterfrontImpTradingCoOffice, ICWaterfrontImpTradingCoOfficeBasement, ICWaterfrontImpTradingCoOfficeUpstairs
Imperial City, Waterfront District
The two warehouses

The Imperial Trading Company is the Imperial Trading Company's offices and warehouses in the Waterfront District.

The three doors on the inside of the harbor wall lead to the Imperial Trading Company Office, where Company Boss Damian Magius resides, and two warehouses. Every morning at 9am, Damian will unlock the two warehouse doors, giving the many employees access to their workplace. The employees mostly consist of poor Waterfront District residents, but also higher class citizens like Algot the Northerner from the Temple District who works here. At 6pm, Damian Magius will lock up the two warehouses for the night and all the employees will return to their homes.


Easternmost Warehouse
Algot the Northerner
Bronsila Kvinchal
Dranas Llethro
Westernmost Warehouse
Kastav Kvinchal
Uzul gro-Grulam
Damian Magius

Imperial Trading Company[edit]

Imperial Trading Company Office[edit]

The office is entered via the northernmost door on the inside of the harbor wall, closer to The Marie Elena than The Bloated Float Inn. In the west corner sits a food cupboard and three apples strewn on the floor. Three barrels and two chests sit against the southwest wall and they all contain clutter, as do the two non-respawning sacks nearby. The door in the southern corner leads to the basement. Next to the stairs two crates contain more clutter, as does a final non-respawning sack. At the top of the stairs, the door leads to Damian Magius' private quarters.

Damian Magius Quarters[edit]

On the southwest wall of Damian's private quarters sit two clutter barrels and a food cupboard. The west corner holds two more clutter barrels, and two clutter desks sit against the northwest wall. Two non-respawning clutter sacks lie in the north corner, and a double bed awkwardly lies against the northeast wall. In the east corner lies a single bed and another double bed, this one unusable with two clutter crates on top of it. Against the southeast wall sits two clutter crates and two clutter barrels. A bottle of beer and a non-spawning clutter sack sit on top of the crate, with another sack on the floor next to it.

Imperial Trading Company Office Basement[edit]

The first landing on the stairs into the basement holds a clutter barrel and chest, and two non-respawning clutter sacks. The second portion of stairs holds three more non-respawning clutter sacks on the steps. In the east corner of the basement, at the foot of the stairs, sits a clutter crate and another sack. Two clutter barrels sit in the north corner, with another in the south corner along with a sack on the shelves and a final non-respawning clutter sack next to the center post along with two non-respawning grain sacks.

Imperial Trading Company Warehouse (easternmost)[edit]

Main storage space of the eastern warehouse

This warehouse is accessed through the easternmost door on the inside of the harbor wall, closest to The Bloated Float Inn. The layout is almost exactly the same as the office, with three barrels, two chests, and two non-respawning sacks, all containing clutter, against the south wall. Three apples lie in the floor in the southwest corner, and the door in the southeast corner leads to the basement. Two clutter crates and a non-respawning clutter sack lie on the east wall, beside the stairs, and the door at the top of the stairs leads to the private storage.

Imperial Trading Company Private Storage[edit]

The private storage of this warehouse holds a barrel, crate, and two non-respawning sacks in the southeast corner, all holding clutter. The southwest corner holds four more barrels and another non-respawning sack. In the northwest corner sits a clutter desk and another non-respawning sack, and a bed lies in the northeast corner.

Imperial Trading Company Warehouse Basement[edit]

Again, this basement is very similar to the office basement, with a clutter barrel and chest at the first stairs landing. At the foot of the stairs, a repair hammer lies on a set of shelves. In the northwest corner sits a non-respawning clutter sack, and another sits against the center post. In the southwest corner sits a crate that contains clutter, as do the three barrels in the southeast corner. During the quest The Elven Maiden, Armand Christophe can be found in this basement while he is in hiding from the Imperial Watch.

Imperial Trading Company Warehouse (westernmost)[edit]

Upstairs in the western warehouse

This warehouse's layout is exactly the same as the other. Three barrels, two chests, and two non-respawning sacks against the southwest wall all contain clutter. Three apples lie in the floor in the west corner, and the door in the south corner leads to the basement. Two crates and a non-respawning sack next to the stairs also hold clutter, and the door at the top of the stairs leads to the private storage.

Imperial Trading Company Private Storage[edit]

The private storage area of this warehouse is almost identical to the first, with a barrel, crate, and two non-respawning sacks in the south corner all containing clutter. The west corner of the room holds four more barrels and another non-respawning sack, also with clutter. A clutter desk and another non-respawning sack sit in the north corner, and a double bed lies in the east corner.

Imperial Trading Company Warehouse Basement[edit]

This basement also holds a barrel and two non-respawning sacks on the first landing that hold clutter and three more sacks on the steps themselves. Two more barrels and another sack lie at the foot of the stairs. A barrel and a desk in the north corner also hold clutter, as do the two crates in the west corner. The south corner holds another barrel and non-respawning sack, with a final sack near the center post.