Oblivion:Fort Variela

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Fort Variela
(view on map) (lore page)
# of Zones 2
Important Treasure
1 boss-level Chest
Console Location Code(s)
FortVarielaExterior, FortVariela, FortVariela02
North of Bravil, on the west bank of the Upper Niben
Fort Variela

Fort Variela is a medium-sized fort between Bravil and the Imperial City containing necromancers. It contains two zones: Fort Variela and Fort Variela Staff Quarters.



Key to Maps
Map of Fort Variela, Exterior
  • The exterior is located at coordinates: Tamriel 14, 0
  • This location's map marker (M on map) is named Fort Variela (editor name FortVarielaMapMarker). The entrance door is WSW of the marker, 110 feet away.
  • 1 Wilderness Creature (Forest variety) is near the entrance
  • 3 Wilderness Creatures (Plains variety) are near the entrance
  • 1 Jewelry Box (contains Note of Bounty, jewelry, 75% chance two potions, 50% scroll; non-respawning) is at location C on map
  • The following plants can be found near the entrance: 4 Fly Amanita plants and 1 Monkshood plant

Additional points of interest are a dock to the east and a small graveyard to the north, which may both be intended as part of the overall fort complex.

Zone 1: Fort Variela[edit]

Fort Variela

This zone is fairly straightforward: simply fight your way through the chambers until you reach door C to Fort Variela Staff Quarters. You should never have to face more than two enemies at a time. In the final chamber are two bedrolls (b) you can sleep in.

Door D, also leading to Fort Variela Staff Quarters, is on a higher level and is inaccessible unless you have very high acrobatic skill.



Doors and Gates:


  • 2 bedrolls at locations b on map

Zone 2: Fort Variela Staff Quarters[edit]

Fort Variela Staff Quarters

In the first room you enter you will find, in addition to two necromancers, an altar with a Zombie corpse and a Manual of Spellcraft. A zombie leg can be found on the nearby altar.

In the next room you enter, be sure not to miss the Boss chest (B), which is hidden behind one of the stone coffins directly underneath the little bridge you used to come in.

From door D you can enter the previously inaccessible area of Fort Variela, which contains three minor loot containers. From here you can jump down to the lower level and backtrack to the entrance.



Doors and Gates:

  • There are two doors (at D and C) in/out of this zone, both leading to the zone Fort Variela