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Morrowind:Pilgrimage to Maar Gan

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Walkthrough: not written

Objectives: written by already written not checked

Reward: not written
Perform another pilgrimage to the shrine in Maar Gan.
Quest Giver: Tuls Valen in Ald'ruhn
Location(s): Ald'ruhn, Maar Gan
Prerequisite Quest: False Incarnate
Next Quest: Dark Cult in Hassour
Reward: Death Blow of Abernanit
Disposition: +10 (Tuls Valen)
Reputation Gain: +5 (Temple)
ID: TT_MaarGan
Required Rank: None
The Shrine in Maar Gan

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Tuls Valen in the Ald'ruhn Tribunal Temple for your duties.
  2. Travel to Maar Gan to perform a pilgrimage to the shrine.
  3. Activate the large Magic Rock to learn that it was there where Vivec taunted Mehrunes Dagon to throw the rock at him rather than the people.
  4. Taunt the Dremora standing near the rock to get him to attack you and activate the rock again to receive a blessing.
  5. Return to Tuls to complete the quest.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]


Tuls Valen in the Ald'ruhn Tribunal Temple asks you to demonstrate your faith and perform a pilgrimage to the shrine in Maar Gan, north of Ald'ruhn.

Pilgrimage to Maar Gan[edit]

Grab a silt strider up to Maar Gan and enter the shrine in the east end of town. Activate the large Magic Rock just inside the entrance to learn that it was here where Vivec taunted Mehrunes Dagon to throw the rock at him rather than the people. According to Tuls you are supposed to mimic this event... somehow. Though you cannot appear to find out what to do from anyone, you must talk to Anhaedra, the Dremora standing near the rock and taunt him (through dialogue). Once you get him to attack you (you don't have to kill him) activate the rock again to receive a blessing of Fortify Speechcraft and Personality 10 pts for 48 min (you may need to activate the shrine several times). To get him to stop attacking you, simply leave the shrine and then come back.

Return to Tuls for your reward of the book Death Blow of Abernanit, which increases your Block skill.


  • If you speak to Tralas Rendas about Blessings, he will cast Maar Gan's Blessing on you, granting you Restore Health 30-50pts for 1sec, Fortify Attack 25pts for 30secs, and Sanctuary 75pts for 30secs. This makes the fight with Anhaedra even easier.
  • It is possible to finish this quest before even getting it by simply making the pilgrimage to Maar Gan. Doing so however, will skip the earlier two quests from Tuls Valen, unless your rank is below Disciple.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Pilgrimage to Maar Gan (TT_MaarGan)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Tuls Valen wants me to make the Pilgrimage to Maar Gan. I should go to the temple shrine in Maar Gan and read the plaque describing Vivec's taunting of Mehrunes Dagon.
30 I taunted the Dremora at the shrine of Maar Gan and he attacked me.
60 I completed the pilgrimage to the shrine of Maar Gan.
100 Finishes quest☑ Tuls Valen praised my handling of the Dremora Anhaedra.
110 Tuls Valen has no more duties for me. He said I should seek Uvoo Llaren in Ghostgate or Endryn Llethan in Vivec.

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