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Morrowind:Lucan Ostorius

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Quests: not written

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Lucan Ostorius (lucan ostorius)
Location Mamaea
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 10 Class Thief
Other Information
Health 86 Magicka 108
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Faction(s) Thieves Guild 3(Blackcap)
Lucan Ostorius

Lucan Ostorius is an Imperial thief and Blackcap of the Thieves Guild who can be found just outside Mamaea, west of the Dushariran Shrine. He is a weapons merchant who needs to get a shipment to Yak gro-Skandar in Ald'ruhn, and he is looking for someone to deliver it for him.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

The Weapon Delivery[edit]

Lucan has two sets of dialogue. If you are not a member of the Thieves Guild, he will greet you with:

"Damn! Where is that guy? He made me promise to meet me here with these goods, and now he's late. I'm a busy man! You wouldn't by any chance be heading toward Ald'ruhn, would you? Maybe you could do me a favor."
do me a favor
"Here's the deal: I've got to get these weapons to Yak gro-Skandar in Ald'ruhn as quickly as possible. He was supposed to meet me here, but hasn't shown up yet. I suppose I must have missed him. If you're willing to deliver these to him at the Rat In The Pot, I'd be grateful, and I figure I could throw 100 septims your way. Of course, I'd ask you to swear an oath to Zenithar...may He grace us with lots of loot, that you'd deliver my goods, or, um, face his heavenly wrath."
I swear by Zenithar that I will deliver your goods.
"You will? Excellent. And may, uh, Zenithar's divine provincial light shine on all of activities. Good luck! Just tell gro-Skandar that you have Lucan's shipment. He'll know what to do."
I will not swear an oath.
"No? Damn. I really could have used the help."

If you are a member of the Thieves Guild, he will instead greet you with:

"Greetings, %PCRank. Might you help a brother in need?"
brother in need
"Look, I've got a bunch of weapons I need to get to Yak gro-Skandar in Ald'ruhn. He's usually drinking himself under one of the tables at the Rat in the Pot. It'd be a big help to me if you could deliver them to him. Plus, I'd throw some coin your way...say, 100 septims?"
I can help you, brother.
"Great. I won't forget this, my brother. Make sure they get there, though. It would be bad news for the both of us if they didn't. Know what I mean? Just tell him you have Lucan's shipment."
I'm sorry, brother, I cannot help you with this.
"No? Don't care much about the oath you've sworn, eh "brother"? I won't forget this. No, I certainly won't."