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Morrowind:Girith's Stolen Hides

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Walkthrough: not written

Objectives: written by already written not checked

Reward: not written

For a similar quest, see Marsus Tullius' Missing Hides.

Find the thieves who robbed Athanden Girith of some guar hides.
Quest Giver: Athanden Girith, on a path west of the Ahemmusa Camp
Location(s): Grazelands
Reward: 3 Standard Fortify Health Potions, Ring of Hornhand
Disposition: +10 (Berwen)
ID: MV_OutcastAshlanders
Outcast Ashlanders have stolen Girith's guar hides

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Athanden Girith about his problems.
  2. Track down the thieves south of the Ahemmusa Camp.
  3. Recover the 10 hides and return them to Girith.
  4. Claim your reward from Berwen, in Tel Mora.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Girith's Stolen Hides[edit]

You'll find Athanden Girith west of the Ahemmusa Camp along a path and discover that he has been robbed by two Ashlanders. Girith tells you that his friend Berwen in Tel Mora will reward you greatly if you can recover his guar hides for him.

Track down the culprits[edit]

Head to the Ahemmusa Camp and ask around about the attack. You will be told that the thieves are two outcast Ashlanders, Emul-Ran and Kashtes Ilabael, who can be found in a camp to the south by the water's edge along with a pack guar. When asked, the pair will readily admit to the theft and attack, so feel free to dispose of them at your pleasure. Be sure to take the 10 Girith's Guar Hide from Emul-Ran's body (note that ordinary guar hides will not do). Return the hides to Girith, who will thank you. Choosing to spare one or both of the thieves by opting to pickpocket the hides will not alter the final outcome in terms of quest rewards, although Girith does express his disappointment if either remain alive.

Claim your reward[edit]

To receive your reward, trek over to Berwen's shop in Tel Mora. She will thank you profusely for recovering the guar hides and reward you with three Fortify Health Potions and a Ring of Hornhand.


  • The journal entry erroneously states that you received three healing potions from Berwen rather than three fortify health potions. It also states that she claims the ring has "powerful magics"; in fact, she makes no specific mention of the ring in her dialogue.
  • It is not possible to obtain the journal entry for stage 70 as this quest stage is never set.


  • If you kill the thieves and acquire the guar hides before first speaking to Girith, you will be unable to obtain the quest from him and cannot receive a reward.
    • On PC It is possible to circumvent this by using the console command AddTopic "robbed me" to unlock the other topics needed to start the quest.
  • The hides are not always removed from your inventory. ?

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Girith's Stolen Hides (MV_OutcastAshlanders)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 The trader Athanden Girith claims he has been attacked by two Ashlanders, who robbed him and left him for dead.
20 Girith claims that the Ashlanders have stolen his shipment of guar hides, and he would like my help in getting them back. If I can retrieve the stolen hides, his friend Berwen in Tel Mora will reward me well.
25 Girith has described the Ashlanders that attacked him: "They looked kind of like a normal dark elf, but wild. They wore animal skins and had tattoos. And they had odd hair." This may not narrow down my search as much as I had hoped.
30 I have agreed to try and hunt down the missing guar hides for Athanden Girith. It will be best to check with the local Ashlanders first.
40 Finishes quest☑ I've decided not to get involved in this dispute. I have no desire to run afoul of the Ashlanders.
60 I've spoken to Ashlanders about the missing guar hides. They tell me that the two I am searching for are named Emul-Ran and Ilabael. They are outcasts, belonging to no Ashlander tribe. They can apparently be found camped south of the Ahemmusa camp, along the shore.
70 I have found Emul-Ran and Ilabael. They are indeed the thieves who took Girith's hides, and were too proud to say otherwise.
100 I have returned the guar hides to Athanden Girith. He was happy to get them back, and also to hear that the Ashlanders were dead. Girith promises me that I will be rewarded well if I visit his friend Berwen in Tel Mora.
102 I have returned the guar hides to Athanden Girith. He was happy to get them back, but seemed a little disappointed that the Ashlanders weren't dead. Girith promises me that I will be rewarded well if I visit his friend Berwen in Tel Mora.
105 I have returned the guar hides to Athanden Girith. He was happy to get them back, and also to hear that at least one of the Ashlanders was dead. Girith promises me that I will be rewarded well if I visit his friend Berwen in Tel Mora.
110 Finishes quest☑ I mentioned Athanden Girith's name to Berwen in Tel Mora. She immediately recognized my name, and what I had done for her friend. She was, as Girith had promised, more than generous. She gave me three healing potions and a ring she claims contains powerful magics.