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Morrowind:Duvianus Platorius

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Quests: written by Forfeit (already written)

Services: written by Forfeit (already written)

Personal Inventory: written by Forfeit

House Contents: written by Jeancey (none)

Unique Dialogue: written by Forfeit

Spells: written by Forfeit
Duvianus Platorius (duvianus platorius)
Home City Vivec
Location Waistworks, St. Olms Canton (See map)
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 13 Class Agent
Training Speechcraft (63)
Light Armor (58)
Sneak (53)
Other Information
Health 102 Magicka 106
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Faction(s) Census and Excise 3(Taxman)
Duvianus Platorius

Duvianus Platorius is an Imperial agent and Taxman for the Census and Excise office, who can be found wandering around the upper level of the waistworks in Vivec's St. Olms Canton. He is currently searching for a delinquent Khajiit by the name of Addhiranirr, who is hiding out from him in the Underworks. If you can throw him off her trail, she may have some useful information for you.

He is a medium trainer in Speechcraft, Light Armor, and Sneak. Aside from his natural charm and ability to absorb fatigue from others, he knows no spells.

He wears a boiled netch leather cuirass, netch leather boots, and an expensive shirt with a matching skirt. He carries a pair of expensive shoes along with a silver longsword.

Related Quests[edit]

Main Quest[edit]


  • Greetings:
"I'm looking for a friend of mine, a female Khajiit named Addhiranirr. Do you know where I can find her?"
"Yes. As I said, I'm looking for a friend of mine, a female Khajiit named Addhiranirr. I thought you might be able to tell me where to find her."
"It's no problem, really. Maybe I'll run into her back on the mainland." (after lying to Duvianus)
"Remember. Don't tell her you talked to me." (after telling Duvianus the truth)
  • Addhiranirr:
"Yes. Her name is Addhiranirr, and she is a Khajiit. Do you know where I can find her?"
Excuse me. I'm busy.: "Sorry to bother you." (only available before talking to Addhiranirr about Duvianus)
No: "I see. Well, perhaps some other good citizen can tell me where to find her." Goodbye
[Lie.] Yes, she just took a gondola to the mainland.: "What a disappointment. But thank you for your time. I was just heading back to the mainland myself, anyway, and maybe I'll run into her there." (only available after talking to Addhiranirr)
I think you might find her in the underworks.: "Oh. I see. How curious. *Sigh.* Well. I suppose I need to go change my clothes if I'm going down there. But thank you for your time and courtesy. And don't tell her about me. I want it to be a surprise. Good day, and thanks again." (only available after talking to Addhiranirr)
"No, I understand. She didn't know I was coming. But it's no problem. I was just heading back to the mainland myself, and maybe I'll run into her there." Goodbye (after lying to Duvianus)
"Remember. Don't tell her you talked to me." (after telling Duvianus the truth)
  • Duvianus Platorius: "I'm just a friend of Addhiranirr."