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Morrowind:Thieves Tools

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Thieves' Tools are used to deal with locked doors and containers. Lockpicks are used for opening locks while probes are used for disarming traps. To use them, equip them like a regular weapon then aim at the door or container and "attack".

There are five standard grades of lockpicks, and six grades of probes. However, vendors sell only apprentice's, journeyman's and master's equipment. An artifact, the Skeleton Key, is the highest quality lockpick in the game; it can be acquired by completing a quest for the Thieves Guild.


Item Weight Value Uses Quality
Apprentice's Lockpick

Apprentice's Lockpick

0.25 10 25 1.0
Journeyman's Lockpick

Journeyman's Lockpick

0.25 50 25 1.1
Master's Lockpick

Master's Lockpick

0.25 100 25 1.3
Grandmaster's Pick

Grandmaster's Pick

0.25 200 25 1.4
Secret Master's Lockpick

Secret Master's Lockpick *

0.25 500 25 1.5
The Skeleton Key

The Skeleton Key

0.50 1000 50 5.0


Item Weight Value Uses Quality
Bent Probe

Bent Probe

0.25 2 5 0.25
Apprentice's Probe

Apprentice's Probe

1.00 10 25 0.50
Journeyman's Probe

Journeyman's Probe

0.25 50 25 0.75
Master's Probe

Master's Probe

0.25 100 25 1.00
Grandmaster's Probe

Grandmaster's Probe

0.25 200 25 1.25
Secret Master's Probe

Secret Master's Probe *

0.25 500 25 1.50

* Secret Master's lockpicks and probes are not available in-game and can only be accessed using the either the console or the Construction Set.


  • When drawing a weapon, right before striking, you can enter the inventory menu and replace your weapon with a lockpick.
    • If your target is wearing any armor, they will become invulnerable. ?
    • Otherwise, they will die instantly. ?