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Legends:Skeleton (subtype)

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Skeletons are the reanimated bones of the dead. They're often found protecting the dungeons, forts and ruins of Tamriel. They are mostly found in Endurance and have the hidden special Undead type.



Name Type (Subtype) Attribute/Class Magicka Power Health Rarity Text
Ancestral Dead Ancestral Dead Creature (Skeleton) Endurance Endurance 3 2 4 1Common Common Slay: Summon a Risen Dead.
Ancient Lookout Ancient Lookout Creature (Skeleton) Endurance Endurance 2 2 3 1Common Common When you summon a Dragon, summon a 1/1 Draugr Sentry with Guard.
Blastbones Blastbones Creature (Skeleton) Strength Strength 5 3 1 3Epic Epic Charge
Last Gasp
: Deal 1 damage to all creatures in this lane.
Bone Colossus Bone Colossus Creature (Skeleton) Endurance Endurance 7 5 5 4Legendary Legendary Summon: Fill this lane with 1/1 Skeletons.
Other friendly Skeletons have +1/+1.
Bonewalker Bonewalker Creature (Skeleton) Endurance Endurance 4 1 2 1Common Common Prophecy, Guard
+1/+1 for each enemy creature in this lane.
Dark Guardian Dark Guardian Creature (Skeleton) Endurance Endurance 3 2 5 1Common Common Guard
When your opponent draws a Prophecy from a rune being destroyed, draw a card.
Deadly Draugr Deadly Draugr Creature (Skeleton) Endurance Endurance 1 1 1 1Common Common Lethal
Deathless Draugr Deathless Draugr Creature (Skeleton) Endurance Endurance 1 1 1 1Common Common Last Gasp: Summon a 1/1 Skeleton.
Grim Champion Grim Champion Creature (Skeleton) Endurance Endurance 4 2 2 3Epic Epic When a creature in this lane dies, Grim Champion gains +1/+1.
Hallowed Deathpriest Hallowed Deathpriest Creature (Skeleton) Endurance Endurance 5 3 5 3Epic Epic Summon: Transform the highest cost creature in your opponent's hand into a Shriveled Mummy.
Headless Zombie Headless Zombie Creature (Skeleton) IntelligenceEndurance Sorcerer 4 3 4 3Epic Epic Summon: Consume a card.
Last Gasp: Draw a copy of the consumed card.
Icy Shambles Icy Shambles Creature (Skeleton) Intelligence Intelligence 4 2 3 1Common Common Shackle creatures damaged by Icy Shambles.
Summon: Deal 2 damage to a creature.
Imprisoned Deathlord Imprisoned Deathlord Creature (Skeleton) Endurance Endurance 4 7 7 3Epic Epic When an enemy creature is summoned, Shackle Imprisoned Deathlord.
Miscarcand Lich Miscarcand Lich Creature (Skeleton) Endurance Endurance 4 3 5 4Legendary Legendary Summon: Choose an enemy creature.

At the start of your turn, if the chosen creature is alive, summon a 1/1 Risen Dead with Guard in its lane.
Morokei, the Deathless Morokei, the Deathless Creature (Skeleton) Neutral Neutral 5 5 5 4Legendary Legendary Summon: If you started the game with no duplicate cards in your deck, you gain 5 health and restore a rune.
Nahkriin, Dragon Priest Nahkriin, Dragon Priest Creature (Skeleton) Intelligence Intelligence 9 5 5 4Legendary Legendary Summon: Draw a card and reduce its cost to 0.
Nether Lich Nether Lich Creature (Skeleton) Endurance Endurance 4 2 2 1Common Common Summon: Gain +1/+1 for each other undead creature in play.
Restless Templar Restless Templar Creature (Skeleton) Endurance Endurance 4 5 2 1Common Common Last Gasp: Gain 5 health.
Skeletal Mage Skeletal Mage Creature (Skeleton) Intelligence Intelligence 7 3 5 2Rare Rare Summon: Consume a creature. Deal damage equal to its power to a creature.
Skeleton Champion Skeleton Champion Creature (Skeleton) Endurance Endurance 4 4 4 3Epic Epic Guard
Give other friendly Skeletons +1/+1.
Skinned Hound Skinned Hound Creature (Skeleton, Beast) Endurance Endurance 2 2 1 1Common Common Summon: Give a creature +0/+2 and Guard.
Wandering Skeleton Wandering Skeleton Creature (Skeleton) Intelligence Intelligence 2 2 2 1Common Common Last Gasp: Summon a 1/1 Skeleton.

Second Subtype[edit]

Name Type (Subtype) Attribute/Class Magicka Power Health Rarity Text
Skeletal Dragon Skeletal Dragon Creature (Dragon, Skeleton) Endurance Endurance 8 5 5 4Legendary Legendary Guard
Summon: Give all creatures in your discard pile +2/+2.
Last Gasp: Draw another random creature from your discard pile.


Name Type (Subtype) Attribute/Class Magicka Power Health Rarity Text
Draugr Sentry Draugr Sentry Creature (Skeleton) Endurance Endurance 1 1 1 1Common Common Guard
Hulking Draugr Hulking Draugr Creature (Skeleton) Endurance Endurance 5 5 5 1Common Common
Risen Dead Risen Dead Creature (Skeleton) Endurance Endurance 1 1 1 1Common Common Guard
Risen Horror Risen Horror Creature (Skeleton) Endurance Endurance 3 3 3 1Common Common Guard
Rotting Draugr Rotting Draugr Creature (Skeleton) Endurance Endurance 1 1 1 1Common Common
Skeleton Skeleton Creature (Skeleton) Endurance Endurance 1 1 1 1Common Common
Stricken Draugr Stricken Draugr Creature (Skeleton) Endurance Endurance 2 2 2 1Common Common
Worm Thrall Worm Thrall Creature (Skeleton) Endurance Endurance 2 2 2 1Common Common Guard