File talk:User-Roger-Solstheim Map.jpg

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Nice, but...[edit]

Any chance we can extend this just a bit further in the vertical dimensions? Particularly on the north side, as there's some stuff cut off on those islands up there. The south end is better, but part of that ship is cut off at the bottom as well. — TheRealLurlock (talk) 02:31, 1 April 2013 (GMT)

Well, this map was specifically made to fit into Alfwyn's sandbox. How about this one? File:User-Roger-Solstheim_Map_02.jpg --Roger (talk) 03:13, 1 April 2013 (GMT)
Better, but still missing part of those islands. You can tell even in that sandbox that some of the marks are pretty close to the edge. We'll probably have to adjust all the numbers anyhow, it'd just be nice if everything fit. — TheRealLurlock (talk) 12:10, 1 April 2013 (GMT)
Yeah, that's as far as I can go using the exported data I currently have. However, I am planning to double the size of the map (256x256 for one cell), which will hopefully solve some rendering issues with scaling, and export more cells than necessary to make fine-tuning possible. Moreover, the process is quite resourceful, so if anyone with strong specs might be willing to export, just let me know, and we'll discuss the details. --Roger (talk) 13:15, 1 April 2013 (GMT)
How about now? The server can't allocate enough memory to create a thumbnail, but you can still click "Full Resolution" to view it. --Roger (talk) 15:40, 7 April 2013 (GMT)