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Castles:Cull the Bandit Threat

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Cull the Bandit Threat

Bandit raids are on the rise, and the people are calling for action!

  • Mobilize a patrol at the War Table
  • Complete quests on the event map
  • Bring swift justice to the lawless thugs

Complete event quest to earn Atronite!

Complete all tasks to obtain an event pack!


Map 1[edit]

  1. The Bandit Lair
  2. Raiders of the Realm
  3. The Dangerous Grove
  4. The Mage Outlaws
  5. Revenge of the Acolytes
  6. Attack on the Bandit Outpost
  7. A Den of Thieves
  8. Daggers in the Dark
  9. Day of Reckoning
  10. The Bandit Lord's Chambers

Map 2[edit]

  1. Hunting for Bandits
  2. Undead Defenders
  3. Wispmother's Kiss
  4. Fire & Frost
  5. Death to the Bandit Chief
  6. Muscle & Magic
  7. Skull Cave
  8. The Marauders' Den
  9. The Bandits' Thralls
  10. The Final Bandit Lord


CT-icon-Event Tasks.png Cull the Bandit Threat
Discover the Bandit Lair – Event Quest 1 20 XP
Defeat 7 Mages 20 XP
Take down the Bandit Acolytes – Event Quest 5 20 XP
Complete 15 Objectives on the Event Map 20 XP
Raid the Bandit Lord's Chambers – Event Quest 10 20 XP
75 xp
1 CT-Icon-Pack Dwemer.png


  • Before patch 1.6, the reward was:
It is worth noting that Fennoriel was added as a reward only in patch 1.4, although the reward itself has been mentioned in the Event description since this Event first appeared.
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