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Books:Greg Keyes Novels/Characters
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This page contains an overview of every character featured in The Infernal City and Lord of Souls.
Main Protagonists[edit]
- Annaïg Hoïnart
- Annaïg Hoïnart is a young Breton girl who accidentally arrives on Umbriel with her friend Mere-Glim, and the two of them are captured.
- Prince Attrebus Mede
- Attrebus is the son of Emperor Titus Mede and is Cyrodiil's Prince. He and Sul travel to Umbriel to try to rid Cyrodiil of it and to save Annaïg and Mere-Glim.
- Colin Vineben
- Colin Vineben is an Anvil-born Inspector in the Penitus Oculatus who investigates the disappearance of Attrebus and later Umbriel's appearance in Tamriel.
- Mazgar gra Yagash
- An Orc. One of a group of Imperial Legion scouts sent to investigate the stories about Umbriel, assigned as bodyguard to the mage Brennus.
- Mere-Glim
- Mere-Glim is an Argonian and the best friend of Annaïg Hoïnart. They accidentally arrive on Umbriel and are captured.
- Sul
- Sul is an old Dunmer man who travels with Attrebus to Umbriel. When he was younger, Sul was educated at the Ministry of Truth, and became figure of some responsibility in Vivec City, before he was thrown into Oblivion along with Vuhon when Red Mountain erupted.
Main Antagonists[edit]
- Hierem
- Hierem, a pudgy man with thick eyebrows and blue eyes, is the Prime Minister to Emperor Titus Mede.
- Umbra
- Umbra is the spirit who was held captive inside the Umbra Sword by Clavicus Vile and struck a deal with Vuhon to escape Clavicus' plane of Oblivion.
- Vuhon
- Vuhon is the Dunmer that created and maintained the ingenium, the force that held the Ministry of Truth in place when Vivec was no longer able to. When the Ministry of Truth crashed into Vivec City and Red Mountain erupted, he was thrown into Oblivion.
Deuteragonists & Contagonists[edit]
- Brennus
- Brennus, nicknamed "Brenn", is an Imperial wizard and Legion scout sent as part of a group to learn about Umbriel. He is Nibenese, with red hair. He and Mazgar escaped Cheydinhal and made it to the Imperial City where they were part of the army refugee group. He perished during the final moments of the conflict causing Mazgar to cry for her fallen comrade.
- Fhena
- Fhena is a female from Umbriel with the skin of a Dunmer; five or six Umbrielian years old. Glim meets her in the Fringe Gyre, where they become friends and Fhena brings him word of Annaïg. He later tells Annaïg that Fhena is a gardener of the trees.
- Gulan
- Gulan is Attrebus' advisor. He, along with the rest of Attrebus' men, is killed by Radhasa's group when they kidnap Attrebus.
- Lesspa
- Lesspa is a Khajiiti warrior in the clan F'aashe. She is presumably an Ohmes or an Ohmes-raht, described as having merish features, except for the black tattooed rings on her face, and she is the sister of M'kai and Sha'jal. She encounters Prince Attrebus and Sul and asks them to buy moon sugar in Rimmen, and then her group protects them and helps them on the way to Umbriel. They sacrifice themselves in Hircine's realm in order to give Sul and Attrebus time to escape.
- Letine Arese
- Letine Arese is the assistant to Minister Hierem, responsible for concealing Attrebus' intentions from the minister and Emperor. She is thirty-one years old and blonde with blue eyes, and appears to be a sorcerer capable of changing shape into a ferocious beast. She saves Colin from death and makes a bargain with him in order to bring down Hierem, who is suspected by Colin of summoning Umbriel into Tamriel. She is subsequently marked for death as Dark Brotherhood assassins attempt to kill her but is saved by Colin, after which she and Colin develop a sort of romantic relationship. In the end, after Hierem is killed she betrays Colin and mortally wounds him with a knife, stating that for 10 years she has suffered and that she is owed something. She attempts through ritual to steal the souls that power Umbriel (Hierem's original plan) but is stopped by a wounded and betrayed Colin who throws the same knife he was stabbed with, instantly killing her.
- Intendant Marall
- Intendant Marall is Colin's immediate superior in the Penitus Oculatus. He is a round-faced man with a beard under his chin.
- Nirai Sathil
- Daughter of Hleryn Sathil, described as looking thin and ascetic, wearing a black robe with an image of a draugr on it. She greets Attrebus and Sul when they arrive.
- Qijne
- Qijne is the master chef of a kitchen on Umbriel, the first Annaïg works in. She is described as having an angular face and black eyes, and wears a checked indigo-and-lapis shirt, an apron, and indigo pants. She has an invisible blade that extends from her hand, which Annaïg acquires when Qijne is killed. Toel attacks the kitchen in order to capture Annaïg, and when Qijne attempts to kill Annaïg to keep her away from Toel, Slyr saves Annaïg by killing Qijne.
- Radhasa
- Radhasa is a Redguard and a member of Attrebus' guard: she is also one of his lovers. She betrays him, kills his troops, and was paid to kill him though she instead kidnaps him and tries to sell him in Elsweyr before she and her accomplices are killed by Sul. She is the daughter of Tralan the Two-Blade, who worked for Emperor Titus Mede.
- Taig Hoïnart
- Taig Hoïnart is a Breton male with thinning gray hair, and the father of Annaïg. Taig holds a noble title in High Rock which once had currency in Black Marsh, however all the balls, cotillions, and evenings at theater were swept away when the Argonians retook their land... His estate was looted when the An-Xileel Argonian political party defeated the Imperial forces and took over Lilmoth. Taig now serves as a (poorly paid) advisor to the An-Xileel.
- Emperor Titus Mede
- Titus Mede is the Emperor of Cyrodiil and the father of Prince Attrebus. He is a Colovian, with a lean face, strong chin, green eyes, and curly silvering auburn hair.
- Chef Toel
- Toel is the master chef of a kitchen on Umbriel. He has the appearance of a Breton, with high cheekbones, sky blue eyes, and black hair. He attacks Qijne's kitchen, killing all but Annaïg and Slyr to capture Annaïg to work in his kitchen. Annaïg later learns that he despises weakness, and does her best to not show it in front of him. Annaïg kills him during the fight with the skraws to keep him from killing Mere-Glim.
- Slyr
- Slyr is a chef from Umbriel with the appearance of a Dunmer. She is assigned to tutor Annaïg and, once they're working in Toel's kitchen, attempts to kill her. Annaïg refuses to have her executed in return. Slyr ultimately ends up betraying her again by warning Chef Phmer about Annaïg's plan to steal the ninth savor, but Annaïg had predicted something of the sort, and made it look as if Slyr herself had broken into the kitchen. Slyr was brought away by Chef Phmer.
- Aelo
- A dicer in Toel's kitchen. Aelo is amazed that Annaïg would put herself on the line with the rest of the kitchen after Toel's death, when out of all of them she'd have been the one guaranteed to be useful elsewhere.
- Aghey
- Aghey is the Head Chef in one of the four lower kitchens of Umbriel.
- Ahapa
- A Senche Khajiit used as a steed by M'kai.
- Amelia
- A flaxen-haired Breton mercenary working with Radhasa to abduct Prince Attrebus. She is killed by Sul when he saves the prince.
- Arcus
- Arcus, a tall bald man with angular features, is an agent of the Penitus Oculatus. Along with Khasha, he oversees Colin's initiation into the service.
- Captain Arges
- A guard captain from Cheydinhal.
- Professor Aronil
- A male Altmer mage in charge of the library of the Penitus Oculatus. He helps Colin identify the daedra that attacked him in Delia Huerc's apartment.
- Ashdre
- A senior chef in Umbriel. Along with Toel, Phmer, and Luuniel, his kitchen competes for the honor of creating a banquet for Umbriel himself.
- Azura
- Azura is the Daedric Prince of dusk and dawn. Sul once served her, and some of his dreams are still influenced by her.
- Barbas
- Barbas is the Daedric companion of Clavicus Vile. He appears to Sul and Attrebus as a small white dog and brings them to the Prince when they arrive in Vile's realm.
- Breslin
- A member of Attrebus' personal guard. Attrebus considers having Breslin and Yerva examine Coo, since they would know more about something like that than he would.
- Calvur
- The leader of a group of thugs; Colin spied on Letine Arese as she killed the eight of them.
- Casion
- An Imperial Legion scout of unspecified race and gender and Mazgar gra Yagash's squad mate.
- Cellie
- A woman in Attrebus' personal guard with whom he has apparently been intimate, mentioned in passing by Gulan when he and Attrebus discuss Radhasa.
- Chave
- Chave is an underchef in Toel's kitchen. Slyr suspects that Annaïg has poisoned one of the ingredients that Slyr is supposed to work with, so she tells Chave to do the task instead (and he is fine).
- Cilinil
- A long-limbed female skraw; she was one of the ones who witnessed Toel's death.
- Clavicus Vile
- Clavicus Vile is the Daedric Prince of granting wishes through bargains. Umbriel was part of his realm, but was ripped away, leaving the Prince weakened. Sul and Attrebus enter his realm and he appears to them as a boy of thirteen or fourteen years old with a paunchy belly, a horn above his right eyebrow, and a sore above his left.
- Coals
- Coals was an Imperial Legion scout of unspecified race or gender and Mazgar gra Yagash's squad mate.
- Corintha
- A woman in Attrebus' personal guard with whom he has apparently been intimate, mentioned in passing by Gulan when he and Attrebus discuss Radhasa.
- Dario
- Dario is a pitcher boy who serves Attrebus and his guard after they spar. Despite his young age, he is killed by Radhasa's group when they kidnap Attrebus.
- Dest
- A cook in Qijne's kitchen, described as "an ogrelike fellow with black and yellow fur". He and others are noted to be wielding knives when Qijne's kitchen is invaded by Lord Toel.
- Dextra
- A soldier involved in the defense of the Imperial City alongside Mazgar and Brennus.
- Dimple
- Dimple is Annaïg's hob in Toel's kitchen.
- Draeg
- Draeg is a male Bosmer mercenary working with Radhasa to abduct Prince Attrebus. He disappears and is thought by his former allies to have abandoned them, but in reality he had been killed by Sul.
- Dulgiijbiddiggungudingu
- Known more often as Dulg, he is a frog-like creature that acts as a chamberlain to Toel, and is yellow, orange, and green, and about two feet tall. He disinfects Annaïg and Slyr when they first arrive and then repeatedly presents Annaïg with dresses and outfits from Toel.
- Egren
- A male Umbrielian; one of Phmer's underchefs. He is present for Chef Toel's meeting with Chef Phmer when Annaïg is accused of stealing from Phmer's kitchen.
- Eiswulf
- A member of Attrebus' personal guard. Attrebus mentions him in passing, saying that the women in his guard would be as equally non-jealous of his sleeping with Radhasa as Eiswulf would be if Attrebus played cards with Lupo instead.
- Eld Ma
- An elderly woman; head of the servants of Sathil Manor.
- Elhul Sathil
- Son of Hleryn Sathil, driven insane by the possession of Umbra.
- Eres
- A member of Attrebus' guard, killed by Radhasa's group when they kidnap Attrebus.
- Eryob
- Eryob is the skraws' overseer, who reprimands Glim with some type of magic that causes him great pain when he is late returning from his assignment and helping Wert with his.
- Captain Evernal
- Captain Evernal is a captain and former soldier of Emperor Titus Mede whom Attrebus shamed when he tried to wrongly take his property and assault the Khajiit who were helping Attrebus and Sul. He is described as being "fortyish", with tanned skin, blonde hair, and a mustache, and has a Nibenese accent.
- Captain Falcus
- Leader of the group of scouts sent to investigate Umbriel. He is killed during the evacuation of Cheydinhal to the Blue Road after Umbriel's forces break the charge.
- Fenton
- Fenton was a Bosmer under the command of Captain Tertius Ione. When an Oblivion gate opened in Ione's camp, the troops went in to fight, and it appears that they sacrificed themselves in order to give Fenton a chance to sabotage the gate. He was found half mad weeks after the gate closed, and ended up dying the next day.
- Fexxel
- Fexxel is the Head Chef in one of the lower kitchens of Umbriel; he has red hair and a beard, and wears a black-and-yellow tartan shirt. He is approached by Wemreddle in a deal to betray Annaïg and Glim but is in turn betrayed to Qijne by one of his own workers.
- Flichs
- A member of a skooma smuggling ring in Lilmoth, sent along with Patch to kill Annaïg and Glim. Flichs' race and gender are unknown.
- Captain Florius Larsus
- Captain Florius Larsus is the newly-appointed captain of the guard in Water's Edge, and friend of Attrebus. He is thin, red-headed, and freckled. He is recruited by Attrebus to help them reach Umbriel, and then is killed by the people who hired Radhasa to kill Attrebus.
- Fruth
- A Nord hunter assigned to help Attrebus on Solstheim with his research in his ruse as a naturalist.
- Fury
- A woman in Attrebus' personal guard with whom he has apparently been intimate, mentioned in passing by Gulan when he and Attrebus discuss Radhasa.
- Gerring
- A royal guardsman traveling with Colin when he finds the bodies of Prince Attrebus' men, ordered to search the area for witnesses.
- Glavius
- A male Imperial Legion scout and Mazgar gra Yagash's squad mate. He is one of the ones who sounds the alarm when they are nearing Cheydinhal.
- Goblin
- A brown-haired, seven-year-old girl, and one of the refugees from Mountain Watch. Her real name is Lorcette, but everyone calls her Goblin, a nickname her mother gave her due to her ears. Her mother died of illness when she was six. Mazgar befriends her when leading the people of Mountain Watch out of town.
- Grayne
- Grayne is a female sailor from the South Niben area with silver hair and a member of Iffech's crew. She claims to have seen an Oblivion gate open when her father worked in Leyawiin, and is one of the first killed when Umbriel initially appears.
- Guilliam
- A royal guardsman traveling with Colin when he finds the bodies of Prince Attrebus' men, sent to search Sweetwater and Eastbridge.
- Hand
- A royal guardsman traveling with Colin when he finds the bodies of Prince Attrebus' men, sent to search Ione and Pell's Gate.
- Hecua
- Hecua is a one-eyed Redguard woman who specializes in magical potions and their ingredients, providing Annaïg assistance.
- Hiner
- A skraw; Hiner drops dead after Annaïg poisons the trees.
- Hircine
- Hircine is the Daedric Prince of the hunt. His drivers chase down Attrebus and Sul and their Khajiit companions, and Hircine himself shows up with a pack of werewolves as the moon rises. He is described as looking like a man with the horns of a stag.
- Hleryn Sathil
- Ruler of the minor house Sathil and lord of a castle on Solstheim. His house used to be allied with house Indoril, but he declared himself independent in 4E 16. He has a daughter named Nirai.
- Iffech
- Iffech is an old male Khajiit who spent most of his life on the sea, and the captain of the ship also containing Keem and Grayne. He is one of the first to be killed when Umbriel appears.
- Ilver Indarys
- Leader of a group of Knights of the Thorn; Mazgar and Brennus encounter him.
- Ilzheven
- Ilzheven is the former lover of Sul. She was killed during the destruction of Vivec City.
- Intovar
- One of Toel's underchefs. He is described as being spindly-looking with yellow hair and "an air of the rodent about him". He is present for Chef Toel's meeting with Chef Phmer when Annaïg is accused of stealing from Phmer's kitchen. After Toel's death, he presents himself as Toel's second, and when he tells Irrel that they cannot win without Toel, Irrel kills him.
- Irinja
- A servant in Sathil Manor who seduces Attrebus; blond with green eyes.
- Lord Irrel
- One of the great lords of Umbriel; the main patron of Toel's kitchen. He is described as being "somewhat translucent" and tall, with glowing purple eyes, and fine clothing seemingly made out of smoke. He eats only one meal a day, but prefers it to have thirty to fifty courses.
- Isilr
- A male Nord; the gate guard of Sathil Manor.
- Ixye
- A male worker of the Fringe Gyre. Fhena mentions that Ixye had broken his leg in a fall the previous day.
- Ixtah-Nasha
- Ixtah-Nasha is the captain and owner of the Wind Oracle, and the cousin of Mere-Glim. He passed on rumors about Umbriel to Glim.
- J'lasha
- J'lasha is a Khajiiti warrior in Lesspa's clan. He is killed by bears during Hircine's hunt.
- Jarrow
- Jarrow was a male Imperial Legion scout of unspecified race and Mazgar gra Yagash's squad mate. He was killed and reanimated during an attack by the dead army.
- Jernle
- One of the skraws. He gives Mere-Glim a note from Annaïg.
- Jinel
- An inhabitant of the Fringe Gyre and friend of Fhena. He tried to let go of the branches of the trees (thereby drifting away from Umbriel and dying), but was caught by Qwern; the next day he did so again and was successful.
- Jith
- One of the skraws. When Lord Ix sent guards to look for Mere-Glim, Jith was questioned by them and unwilling gave Glim away.
- Joacin
- A female skraw on Umbriel. She was ten to fifteen years old - elderly by Umbriel standards, as they are born as adults. Mere-Glim found her dying in the sump and was unable to save her.
- Jolha
- A male Umbrielian; one of Phmer's underchefs. He is present for Chef Toel's meeting with Chef Phmer when Annaïg is accused of stealing from Phmer's kitchen.
- Joun
- A very large male Orc, and a member of Attrebus' guard.
- J'yas
- A Khajiit mercenary working with Radhasa to abduct Prince Attrebus.
- Kalmo
- Kalmo is a friend of Fhena's. He makes deliveries to the kitchens and hears word of Annaïg, which is related back to Glim via Fhena.
- Keem
- Keem is a male Cathay-raht Khajiit sailor and part of the crew on Iffech's ship. He is the first killed when Umbriel first appears, when a strong wind snaps the main mast and throws him from the crow's nest into the sea.
- Khasha
- Khasha is a Khajiit agent of the Penitus Oculatus, described as being "almost snoutless". Along with Arcus, he oversees Colin's initiation into the service.
- Klau
- A member of Attrebus' guard. He is killed by Radhasa's group - set on fire - when they kidnap Attrebus.
- Kohnu
- A funny, self-effacing cook in Chef Toel's kitchen. Having been badly burned while distilling phlogiston, his brain is removed to be processed into pure remorse.
- Kuur
- A battlemage under the command of Captain Falcus.
- Lielle
- One of the thugs working for Hierem who captures Attrebus in the Waterfront District. Touches the Umbra sword and is driven insane.
- Lodenpie
- Lodenpie is the Head Chef in one of the four lower kitchens of Umbriel.
- Loehsh
- A cook in Chef Toel's kitchen. He questions Annaïg's choice of using a low food like meat in a lord's dish, but obeys after Yeum snaps at him.
- Lorcette
- See Goblin.
- Loy
- Loy is an Underchef in Toel's kitchen offered to Annaïg as a possible replacement for Slyr.
- Luc (hob)
- Luc is a hob that acts as a helper to Annaïg in Qijne's kitchen, named after Annaïg's cousin because he reminded her of him as a child.
- Luc (human)
- Luc is a younger cousin of Annaïg. She names her first hob after him.
- Lupo
- A member of Attrebus' personal guard. Attrebus mentions him in passing, saying that the women in his guard would be as equally non-jealous of his sleeping with Radhasa as Eiswulf would be if Attrebus played cards with Lupo instead.
- Luuniel
- A senior chef in Umbriel. Along with Toel, Phmer, and Ashdre, Luuniel's kitchen competes for the honor of creating a banquet for Umbriel himself.
- Lwef-Dim
- A Khajiit rug-seller who has moved into Delia Huerc's apartment following her death. Colin waited until he was gone before sneaking in.
- Ma-fwath
- A Khajiit mercenary working with Radhasa to abduct Prince Attrebus.
- Malacath
- Malacath is the Daedric Prince of outcasts. Attrebus accidentally finds his way into Malacath's realm; Malacath appears to him as an Altmer woman named Silhansa.
- Martin
- A soldier involved in the defense of the Imperial City alongside Mazgar and Brennus.
- Merthun the Wall
- Merthun was a male Imperial Legion scout of unspecified race, and Mazgar gra Yagash's squad mate.
- Minn
- Minn is a female worker in Qijne's kitchen, second to Oorol before the underchef's death. She tells Annaïg about Lord Ghol's tastes, and later is killed when Chef Toel invades Qijne's kitchens.
- M'kai
- M'kai is a female Khajiit of the clan F'asshe, and the sister of Lesspa and Sha'jal.
- M'qar
- A Senche Khajiit used as a steed by J'lasha.
- Na-Nasha
- One of the Imperial Legion scouts whom Mazgar selects to accompany Brennus and herself in the town of Mountain Watch. He is also one of the ones who sounds the alarm when they are nearing Cheydinhal.
- Nial Sextius
- Nial Sextius is a Colovian, an Imperial Guardsman and friend of Colin.
- Oluth
- A young skraw (three Umbrielian years old) who is trained by Mere-Glim in the sump. He is part of a group of young skraws who call themselves the Glimmers, who wand to help Glim in his plans to disrupt the Sump.
- Oorol
- Oorol is one of the underchefs reporting to Qijne. He is killed by Qijne when he offers boring food to Lord Ghol four times in a row. Slyr and Annaïg take over his responsibilities.
- Ozul
- "Ozul" is the alias Sul assumes when visiting Sathil Castle on Solstheim.
- Pafrex
- Pafrex is a worker in Qijne's kitchen described by Annaïg as "the bumpy fellow with quills". Slyr asks Annaïg if she's cozied up to someone such as him.
- Pash
- A member of Attrebus' guard, killed by Radhasa's group - set on fire - when they kidnap Attrebus.
- Patch
- A member of a skooma smuggling ring in Lilmoth, sent along with Flichs to kill Annaïg and Glim. Patch's race and gender are unknown.
- Phmer
- One of the most senior chefs in Umbriel, described as a tall, narrow woman with close-cropped hair and emerald green eyes. She discovered the ninth sensation of taste, and Chef Toel considers her their main competition. After Slyr tells her that Annaïg plans to steal the ninth savor, Phmer meets with Toel and accuses Annaïg of doing so, but Phmer's creature reveals that Slyr herself has the scent of Phmer's kitchen on her (as she was wearing Annaïg's dress) with a vial containing the ninth savor in her pocket; Phmer takes custody of Slyr at that point.
- Commander Prossos
- Commander of the Imperial Legion that gives Mazgar a promotion to captain.
- Captain Pundus
- Captain Pundus is the leader of the expedition with which Colin is traveling when he finds the bodies of Prince Attrebus' men.
- Ram
- A soldier involved in the defense of the Imperial City alongside Mazgar and Brennus. He is killed by the dead in Lake Rumare as they try to reach the city by boat.
- Remar Vel
- Remar Vel is the Administrator of the Penitus Oculatus.
- Lord Rhel
- One of the great lords of Umbriel; personal steward to Vuhon. He appears to be somewhat translucent with changing colors beneath his skin, and a more square face than Lord Irrel. He is one of the judges in the competition to cook for Lord Umbriel, and informs Annaïg that her kitchen has won. He is killed after a severely injured Vuhon absorbs him among other lords.
- Riente
- Riente is a black-haired Breton guardsman in the Water's Edge garrison. He is secretly in the pay of the people trying to kill Attrebus. When he and three others attempt to ambush the prince, Lesspa and her cousins kill them.
- Riff Belancour
- One of the children evacuated from Mountain Watch. He has what Goblin describes as a "funny foot", and Mazgar carries him as the villagers run to Cheydinhal as he cannot run well himself.
- Sarha
- Sarha is an Underchef in Toel's kitchen offered to Annaïg as a possible replacement for Slyr.
- Sariah
- An older Redguard woman. Charter-holder of Mountain Watch, a small village east of Cheydinhal.
- S'enjara
- A Senche Khajiit used as a steed by Taaj.
- Sha'jal
- Sha'jal is a Khajiit of the clan F'aashe, and Lesspa's brother. Sha'jal is of the Senche subspecies and is used as a mount by other Khajiit.
- Sharwa
- A female Khajiit mercenary working with Radhasa to abduct Prince Attrebus. She is killed by Sul when he saves the prince.
- Silhansa
- An avatar of Malacath who appeared as an Altmer woman with pale skin, rosy gold hair, and green eyes, and had a conversation with Attrebus before revealing her true identity.
- Skrahan
- One of the skraws; Skrahan drops dead after Annaïg poisons the trees.
- Solein
- An Imperial soldier; Mazgar tells Brennus that Solein informed her that the enemy had made two unsuccessful attempts to invade the Imperial City by air.
- Sugar-Lick
- An Imperial Legion scout and one of Mazgar gra Yagash's squad mates.
- Taaj
- Taaj is a Khajiit of the clan F'aashe, and Lesspa's maternal cousin.
- Terz
- Terz is Prince Attrebus' dresser.
- Tsani
- A golden-colored female Khajiit mercenary working with Radhasa to abduct Prince Attrebus.
- Tosh
- One of the Imperial Legion scouts whom Mazgar selects to accompany Brennus and herself in the town of Mountain Watch.
- Uriel Tripitus
- "Uriel Tripitus" is the alias Attrebus assumes while in Rimmen and at Sathil Castle on Solstheim.
- Urmuk One Hand
- Urmuk One Hand is an Orc mercenary working with Radhasa to abduct Prince Attrebus. He has had his missing arm replaced by a metal ball fixed to the stump. He is killed by Sul when the Dunmer saves the prince.
- Urvwen
- Urvwen is a Psijic priest with pale skin and silvery eyes. He somehow detects Umbriel's presence while it is still a great distance from the town, and Mere-Glim consults him about the rumors of Umbriel.
- Val
- A bald-headed servant in Sathil Manor. He comments that the Lady Sathil prefers Morrowind food like hluurn, while the Lord Sathil prefers to avoid it, the same way that Sul does.
- Wemreddle
- Wemreddle is a worker in the Bolster Midden, with a man/mer-ish appearance, large eyes, and dingy, greasy yellow hair. He is the first person encountered by Annaïg and Glim on Umbriel. He betrays them to Fexxel.
- Wert
- Wert is a skraw, with the appearance of a slightly yellowish, red-headed Breton, and teaches Glim what to do. He comes to Glim when he and the other skraws begin to dream of something more than the life they currently lead.
- Yaur
- A member of the team sent to investigate the rumors of Umbriel along with Mazgar, Brennus, and other mages. Yaur's ranging charm estimated the floating city at eight miles away.
- Yerva
- A member of Attrebus' personal guard. Attrebus considers having Breslin and Yerva examine Coo, since they would know more about something like that than he would.
- Yeum
- One of Toel's underchefs. She is described as being a thick woman with dusky skin and a heart-shaped face. She is present for Chef Toel's meeting with Chef Phmer when Annaïg is accused of stealing from Phmer's kitchen, and she becomes Annaïg's underchef after Toel's death.
- Yingfry
- A servant in Sathil Manor; rounded and with fading red hair. She brings Attrebus and Sul to the kitchen and prepares their rooms.
Mentioned-only Characters[edit]
- Count Caro
- Count Caro is mentioned in passing when Intendant Marall tells Colin that if he's ordered to find which of Count Caro's daughters has been poisoning the guests again, he should use his forensic training.
- Eddar Olin
- Eddar Olin is mentioned to be a former pretender to the throne of Cyrodiil whom Titus Mede defeated with an army of about 2,000 soldiers.
- Underwarden Ethten
- Underwarden Ethten is an officer in the Lilmoth guard. Mere-Glim suggests that if Annaïg is so sure that there's a "were-crocodile" around, she should tell her father to contact Ethten in order to get some guards sent to Pusbottom. When they realize that the man they're following is a skooma smuggler and not a were-croc, they decide to report him to the underwarden anyway.
- Lord Ghol
- One of the lords of Umbriel, for whom Qijne's kitchen prepares food. He complains of receiving boring food four times in a row. He also is one of the judges in the competition to cook for Lord Umbriel.
- Irenbis Songblade
- Irenbis Songblade appears in a book Annaïg read, and is said to have exploited various rival factions of Cheydinhal.
- Lord Ix
- One of the lords of Umbriel. He is one of the judges in the competition to cook for Lord Umbriel.
- Julius Primus
- A necromancer that fancied himself as the new King of Worms that was caught and killed by the Penitus Oculatus about twenty years before the events of the story. Colin brings Letise to a former lair of his.
- Laeva Cuontus
- A sorcerer that Colin had to find during his second case with the Penitus Oculatus.
- Lazarum
- Lazarum is a member of the Synod who invented a spell for flying.
- Luel
- The architect who designed a room that Annaïg visits in Lord Rhel's palace.
- Lythandus of Dar-Ei
- An artist; Attrebus is reminded of his work when he and Sul land in Clavicus Vile's realm.
- Naenra Waerr
- According to Nirai Sathil, Naenra Waerr is a witch said to be the creator of the sword Umbra, and is also thought by some to have been Sheogorath in disguise.
- Lord Oroy
- One of the lords of Umbriel for whom Qijne's kitchen prepares food.
- Lord Prixon
- One of the lords of Umbriel for whom Qijne's kitchen prepares food.
- Archwarden Qajalil
- Archwarden Qajalil is a senior member of the An-Xileel. Mere-Glim mentions that the Archwarden was annoyed by Urvwen raving about the floating city so he dismissed him.
- Qwern
- An inhabitant of the Fringe Gyre who caught Jinel attempting to let go of the branches of the trees.
- Regin Oprenus
- Regin Oprenus is a member of the Imperial guard in Anvil who recommended Colin for the Penitus Oculatus.
- Captain Tertius Ione
- Captain Tertius Ione is a former soldier in the Imperial Legion who managed to close an Oblivion gate during the Oblivion Crisis. A town grew up around the remains of the gate and was named Ione in his honor.
- Tai-Tai
- Tai-Tai is the male servant of Taig Hoïnart. It is noted that he does not always do his job.
- General Takar
- One of the Emperor's most trusted generals. Originally from Hammerfell, and said to have been an enemy to Titus Mede before Mede allegedly bested him in personal combat.
- Tenithar
- Tenithar ("Old Tenny") is the former cook of Taig Hoïnart; she was employed by him until he could no longer afford to pay her.
- Thules the Gibbering
- Witch-warrior who ruled the remnants of the Empire before Titus Mede rose to power.
- Tralan the Two-Blade
- Tralan the Two-Blade is the father of Radhasa. He came from Cespar and was one of Titus Mede's most valued men. Attrebus claims that he wasn't a particularly handsome man.
- Xhon-Mehl the Fisher
- Xhon-Mehl is the former Ascendant Organ Lord of Lilmoth. There is an old statue of him in Lilmoth, but it's sunken into the marsh up to the snout.