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Bloodmoon:Setting up Shop

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Walkthrough: not written

Objectives: written by already written not checked

Reward: not written
Help Falco/Carnius decide which shop to build.
Quest Giver: Falco Galenus at Raven Rock,
or Carnius Magius at Fort Frostmoth
Location(s): Raven Rock
Prerequisite Quest: Making a Choice
Next Quest: Supply Route Problems
Reward: 300 Gold (Falco) or nothing (Carnius)
Reputation Gain: +12 (East Empire Company)
ID: CO_4
Difficulty: Low
What is most beneficial for the colony?

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Speak with Falco/Carnius, who will ask for help on a decision.
  2. Talk to people around town to learn which building is the favorite.
  3. Return to Falco/Carnius to select the desired building.
  4. Wait two days to receive the journal entry saying that the construction should be nearly complete.
  5. Talk to Carnius.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

A Difficult Decision[edit]

Whoever you have chosen to aid will ask you to help him in a decision. He is trying to decide whether to build a Trader's Post or a Smithy and doesn't know what will suit Raven Rock better. He wants you to think it over, talk to people, and get back to him. After talking to people around town, you'll get three votes for a Trader Shop and only one for a Smith, so the choice is obvious. The trader also makes sense for your best interest since Solstheim already has three smiths but no general merchants.

Choose a Building[edit]

Return to Falco/Carnius and inform him of your decision. If you've sided with Falco he will thank you and tell you to let Carnius know of the decision. Carnius will reward you with 300 gold (and not seem very happy about it either). If you've sided with Carnius you don't seem to get anything out of the deal.

Wait for the shop to be built[edit]

After two days you will receive a new journal entry saying that the construction of the shop should be nearly complete. If you chose to set up a trader, Sathyn Andrano will be found within the new building. If you chose the smithy, Sabrina Vitellia will be present instead.

Once you receive the journal entry, talk again to Carnius in order to end the quest.


  • Since both merchants have a whopping 10,000 gold available for trading each day, it might be better to decide based on what they'll buy from you, rather than what they have to offer.
    • The Trader (69 Mercantile) would be the only merchant on Solstheim to buy your valuable filled soul gems but drives a hard bargain.
    • The Smith (19 Mercantile) may seem redundant but she can afford much more expensive gear than the other smiths and gives much better deals than the Trader would.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Setting up Shop (CO_4)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
20 I've been asked my opinion on whether a smith or a trader should be brought into the colony. I should ask the colonists what they think, then report my decision.
30 It was my decision that a smithy should be built in the colony. Construction should begin shortly, but I need to inform Carnius of the decision.
40 It was my decision that a trader's outpost should be built. Construction should begin shortly, but I need to inform Carnius of the decision.
50 Carnius has been informed of the decision regarding the construction plans. I should check back in a few days when the work is done.
60 It was my decision that a smithy should be built in the colony. Construction should begin shortly, and I should see Carnius again when it's finished in several days.
70 It was my decision that a trader's outpost should be built. Construction should begin shortly on it, and I should see Carnius again when it's finished in several days.
80 Construction on the smithy should be nearly complete.
90 Construction on the trader's outpost should be nearly complete.
100 Finishes quest☑ I've told Carnius that the work on the smithy is done.
110 Finishes quest☑ I've told Carnius that the work on the trader's outpost is done.

Prev: Making a Choice Up: East Empire Company Quests Next: Supply Route Problems