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Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Find Brals.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
You first start in a forest, as you walk down the path you will encounter a mercenary. After fighting him continue on until you encounter a gate you can open, dispatch the mercenaries patrolling the area. After this, head through another gate on the left wall, where you will encounter forest spiders and a giant forest spider. Proceeding on you will encounter another two mercenaries, after defeating them you can gain access to the only secret area in this quest, see the secret areas section below for information on this.
After a while of following the path, you will find a cave entrance guarded by a giant cave spider, defeat it and proceed into the cave where you will end up in a fort. In this fort, you will encounter a hostile mercenary that holds a key to the door behind them. Behind this door is Brals, he will explain his situation and how he used to work with a group of thieves in Morrowind, he will then ask for your help. There is a wooden chest behind him that can be collected.
Secret Areas[edit]
This quest has only one secret area that is located after the forest spiders. Two mercenaries are found protecting a lever in the form of a goat skull totem. After pulling the lever, it will unlock an area where a silver chest can be found.
- Mercenaries x 6
- Forest Spiders x 3
- Giant Forest Spider x 1
- Giant Cave Spider x 1