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Beyond Skyrim:Roscrea - The Lost Roscrean Blade

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Roscrea - The Lost Roscrean Blade
Author Gorthuar / Beyond Skyrim Roscrea Team
Original Release 05 January 2020
Last Updated 05 January 2020
Size 13.4 MB
Version 1.1

Beyond Skyrim - The Lost Roscrean Blade is a minor release by Gorthuar from the Beyond Skyrim: Roscrea Team which adds a Lost Roscrean Blade to the base game.

This mod adds a unique ornate Nordic style late game sword, for those of you who want a believable and authentic looking weapon. Heavily influenced by the real swords of the Viking age while using Elderscrolls materials and lore. A preview of the quality that can be expected from Beyond Skyrim: Roscrea.

Getting Started[edit]

Head to either the Sleeping Giant Inn in Riverwood, The Bannered Mare in Whiterun or the Blue Palace, Bard's College or The Winking Skeever in Solitude and read the book The Lost Blade of Roscrea. This will provide you the sword's backstory and add the quest of the same name to your journal.

Gameplay Information[edit]