Beyond Skyrim:Cyrodiil/Skooma Peddler

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Skooma Peddler
Location Random Encounter
Race Khajiit Gender Male
Level PC×2 (range=5-20) Class Thief
RefID N/A BaseID xx0C9A49
Gold 0 (see Notes)
Sells Moon Sugar and Skooma
Buys All
Other Information
Health 50×? Magicka 50×?
Stamina 50×?
Class Details CombatThief
Morality No Crime Aggression Unaggressive
Skooma Peddler

The Skooma Peddler is a Khajiit thief who can be randomly encountered in the wilderness. He will offer to sell you moon sugar and skooma.

He wears Colovian fur clothes and fine boots, and is armed with an iron dagger.


As you pass by, he will call out:

"Only the sweetest moon sugar, the most potent skooma! All can be yours, for a fair price."

If you ask whether this isn't illegal, he brushes you off:

"Aha, a hound of the Imperials, a slave to the letter of the law, are we? Listen. This one is simply providing a service - a service that many are willing to pay for. Do not interfere."

If you agree to peruse his wares, he will then sell you moon sugar and skooma. If you say you'll report him to the guards, he seethes:

"Gah. You just had to press the issue, didn't you? Now this one must take your life."

He will then attack you.

When parting from his company he will chuckle:

"This one travels little, but his business is always open! If you can find him. Hehe."


  • The Peddler has no merchant chest and thus no gold, so you will only be able to sell him items if you first purchase some of his wares.

Standard Merchandise[edit]

Count Item
5 Moon Sugar
4 Skooma