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Beyond Skyrim:Cyrodiil/Prayers to the Eight Divines

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Prayers to the Eight Divines
Added by Beyond Skyrim: Cyrodiil
ID xx08BB0E
Value 5 Weight 1
Type 2
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Prayers to the Eight Divines
by Primate Salicus Sallustus
A devotional text offering prayers and praises to each of the Eight Divines, invoking their blessings and guidance

Fourth Pressing: Morning Star, 4E 176
Printed Under the Authority of the Imperial Cult
Temple District, Imperial City, Cyrodiil

The favor of the Eight be with you.

Sanctified be the name of the Sacred Dragon Akatosh. God immortal, bless your servants worthy of your favor. Sacred Dragon God, first to descend from the Fountainhead, by your authority came forth the authors of our world. By your hand does the stream of time and age cease and begin. By your grace has the Empire attained immortality. We pray to you for those who wallow still upon the earth. Lend them your arm and teach them endurance. Give unto them a season anew. Almighty Akatosh, we pray in your name.

Glory be Thine Forever

Blessed be the sacred goddess of fertility, Mara, thrice blessed. By your blood the world renews forever and ever. Sacred Goddess of Marriage, second to appear from the Fountainhead, from your womb was the world made. Oh Mara, goddess of goddesses, we pray unto you. Renew the harvests of our world. Fill the baskets of your children with abundance. Holy Mother, we pray in your name.

Glory be Thine Forever

Blessed be the name of the god of mercy, Stendarr. Sacred Arbiter, take pity upon your humble servants. As you guided Tiber Septim, guide the magistrates along the narrow path of righteousness. Grant mercy unto us, your lowly servants. Keep just the works of the legion that your holy light of truth may shine across the empire. We pray in your name.

Glory be Thine Forever

Holy Dibella, by your will is the world filled with bountiful wonders. We give thanks unto you for the divine beauty of the heavens and the earth. Sacred Midwife, by your hands was Woman brought forth. May your grace illuminate the eyes of your children that they may be in awe of your majesty. Let the unseen glory of your works fill their minds and souls. Let us not see the vanity and machinations of evil but see the beauty within. We pray in your name.

Glory be Thine Forever

Great Julianos, patron of knowledge and wisdom may you grant unto us the ability to distinguish between truth and lie. May your guiding hand aid in the endeavors of your lowly children. Guide the philosophers and wizards, holding them gently in your sway. Teach them your sublime wisdom. Do not allow your children to wander into the ways of ignorance. Shine your golden light and shatter the shackles of the subjugated. We pray in your name.

Glory be Thine Forever

Oh Zenithar, spirit of commerce, we pray to you that your children may learn the skills of their trade. May they bear wondrous gifts made by their own hands. Safeguard the merchants who give offerings unto you as they travel along unfriendly shores. Spare them from plundering corsairs. Bless the farmers and let their harvests be bountiful. Lead criminals to an honest livelihood. We pray in your name.

Glory be Thine Forever

Oh bountious Kynareth, goddess of the air. By your gifts was man formed. By your winds do we breathe. By the stars, our futures are set in gold. Do not let us fall into the everlasting darkness, but light your luminaries and lead us home. Upon your head is the garland of fate and fortune. Bless your children, oh Kynareth. Let them not be born under inauspicious stars. Guide us into a life of devotion and faith. We pray in your name.

Glory be Thine Forever

Sacred be thy name, oh Arkay, god of rebirth. With one hand you write our names in the book of life, with the other you erase them upon our death. We pray to you, Arkay son of Akatosh. When the day comes that our mortal lives are to be left behind, have mercy on us. Let us not fall into doubt and fear, but let us open our eyes to a new life in your eternal glory. We pray in your name.

Glory be Thine Forever