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Beyond Skyrim:Cyrodiil/Albecius' Journal

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Albecius' Journal
Added by Beyond Skyrim: Cyrodiil
ID xx075965
Value 5 Weight 1
Found in the following locations:
  • Nowhere
Albecius' Journal
by Albecius Relandrin
Albecius Relandrin's final entry, detailing his sealing of a dangerous spire and dying request for secrecy

[The journal is heavily worn. Some pages seem to be torn out and the rest is illegible. Only the last entry remains in tact [sic].]

I've lost track of how long it's been since my last entry. I still can't believe she's dead, dead by my hands. Cara. She was the closest thing I've had to a real daughter. I didn't have a choice. That monstrosity, what it did to her... I was able to beat it back into the vault, but my legs... I'm not going far. Teldrin didn't make it either.

I'm dying. I don't know who will find me... my body... but I've sealed off that damn spire, that godsforsaken piece of Oblivion. I've used the most powerful incantation I could conjure from back in my Mages Guild days to seal that vault, too. No one is getting in there. Not by any conventional means, anyway. I hope someone finds me and this message soon, though.

Whoever you are, whoever has found me, please, bring this journal to a woman named Trella Vastinius in the Arcane University. She's a colleague of mine. A member of that Mages Guild offshoot, the Synod. She'll know what to do with this information.

She'll make sure the people of Cyrodiil learn from my mistake. She'll make sure no one ever tries to enter that tower again.


I'm sorry