Online talk:Legion of the West Weald

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Spilt West Weald Legion and Legion of the West Weald into separate pages[edit]

Recently, West Weald Legion was redirected to Legion of the West Weald as a different name for the faction. It is my fault for not making the page sooner, but I think West Weald Legion and Legion of the West Weald should be different faction pages.

In the grand scheme of things, the Legion of the West Weald/Vlastarus Cohort are a splinter group of the main legion that decided to go into conquering mode and ally with a Molag Bal cult, pretty every character linked to this group is hostile. In contrast, the West Weald Legion is portrayed as protecting Skingrad and its territories/vassals and I don't think I have found any hostile NPCs that can be linked to the West Weald Legion, by text or context in West Weald. In fact, they never call themselves the Legion of the West Weald in Gold Road, it is always West Weald Legion.

For evidence that the two groups are under the same umbrella, you have Count Calantius admitting that General Lavinia was one of his people, but that he misjudged her badly. But there is some spin with that because of the existance of the Online:Yours for the Taking! flyer

TL'DR Talyyn wants the West Weald Legion from Gold Road on a seperate page from the Legion of the West Weald from Reaper's March base game, but would mention the link to the other group on both pages.--Talyyn (talk) 13:01, 27 June 2024 (UTC)

I am quite neutral on it, but it does feel like ZOS's attempt on separating the basegame villianous faction from the one thats mainly allied in the Chapter. And while I do get it why from the narrative perspective - the protection of County Skingrad and invasion of Arenthia aren't mutually exclusive. Additionally the Count of Skingrad was presented as far more villianous character in the basegame than he is in the chapter. I do feel that those factions are meant to both represent Calantius's military - just it so happens that they aren't portrayed as evil when the story is about protecting their people. I do feel that splitting the two into two faction pages may have its benefits for the documentation of the gamespace, given one is exclusively Reaper's March and other exclusively Gold Road, it also may be somewhat redundant. However I think it is worth mentioning that the "Legion of West Weald" is used by the npcs in Gold Road. The choice to remove "the" from "The West Weald" seems to be decision that is unrelated to the Legion faction. For instance ON:Commandant Salerius says "The Imperial Legion of West Weald has need of your services.", and "Count Calantius has authorized the Imperial Legion of West Weald to hire capable individuals to handle delicate situations throughout the region."Tyrvarion (talk) 14:49, 27 June 2024 (UTC)
You know what? I am going to convert the member tables to People template. It makes easier to distinguish between the two groups. As for the naming stuff, the full name comes up occasionally in Gold Road, but most of the time it is WWL.--Talyyn (talk) 04:56, 28 June 2024 (UTC)