High Isle


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Home City Port Hunding
Race Redguard Gender Female
Reaction Friendly

Aydrah is a Redguard dock worker who can be found with Seeks-Shadow at the docks in Port Hunding.

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Isobel Veloise will have received a letter from her friend Aurelia Jourvel who was sightseeing in Stros M'kai. Aurelia was recently robbed of several of her personal items, including a family signet ring that Isobel had once given her. However, when you arrive in Port Hunding Aurelia will inform you that her travelling companion Kiv Lindres was the one to have robbed her. He ran away during the scuffle and you will need to track him through the port, the trail ending at the docks.

After Seeks-Shadow is unhelpful in finding out where Kiv went, he suggests you speak with Aydrah. She is very busy:

"I don't take bribes, I'm very busy, and before you ask, no. We don't ship Thorn Geckos in bulk."
You don't …? Nevermind. I'm looking for a Dark Elf named Kiv. Has he been here?
"Listen friend, Stros is one of the busiest ports this side of Hew's Bane. Lots of folks come through here.
But yeah, I saw Kiv Lindres. Seems the sly bastard has gone legit. He booked passage on a ship, working a job for Veloise Mercantile."
Did you catch which ship he took?
"Sure. He was on Daidezi's ship, the Senche's Heart. They sailed for Seyda Neen.
Davak Hlaren over there can get you to Seyda Neen, if you have coin."

Speaking with her again afterwards:

"I've got a lot of work to get through here. But tonight I'm going to enjoy a nice cool ale at the Mermaid, maybe finally work up the nerve to talk to Witalia.
Maybe I'll ask her what she thinks of my tattoos? Heh."