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Tribunal:Quest Items

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Quest items are items which are needed to complete a specific quest; usually they have to be given up when the quest has been completed. In appearance they are usually identical to generic items. They are only distinguished from generic items by their name, the fact that they will not stack in your inventory with generic items, or because they have a minor enchantment. These do not include items given as rewards for completing a quest. Quest rewards are generally unique items (armor, clothing, or weapons) or Artifacts, which have unique appearances and significant enchantments.


Axes, 1-Hand[edit]

Name Weight Health Value Speed Reach Enchantment
MW-icon-weapon-Ebony War Axe.png
Elanande's War Axe
ebony war axe_elanande
48.0 2400 15,000 1.25 1.00 Cast When Strikes
Drain Health Drain Health 5 pts on Touch
Found on Elanande. Needed for The Warlords quest.

Blunt Weapons, 1-Hand[edit]

Name Weight Health Value Speed Reach Enchant
MW-icon-weapon-Dwarven Mace.png
Suldreni's Mace
dwarven mace_salandas
15.0 3,000 360 1.50 1.00 Cast When Strikes
Frenzy Humanoid Frenzy Humanoid 1-10 pts for 10 secs on Touch
Frenzy Creature Frenzy Creature 1-10 pts for 10 secs on Touch
Found on Suldreni Salandas. Needed for The Warlords quest.

Short Blades[edit]

Name Weight Health Value Speed Reach Chop Slash Thrust Enchantment
MW-icon-weapon-Silver Dagger.png
Droth Dagger
silver dagger_droth_unique_a
silver dagger_droth_unique
2.2 500 500 2.5 1.0 4–7 4–7 5–8 2.0
Found in the home of Arnsa Thendas. Needed for Estate Sale quest. Alternate version will be on Geon Auline after quest.
Ebony Shortsword
Soscean's Shortsword
ebony shortsword_soscean
16.0 1,200 11,000 2.0 1.0 10–20 10–22 15–25 Cast When Strikes
Disintegrate Armor Disintegrate Armor 1-5 pts on Touch
Found on Soscean. Needed for The Warlords quest.


Name Weight Health Value Speed Reach Chop Slash Thrust Enchantment
Silver Spear

Silver Spear
silver spear_uvenim

11.2 80 500 1.0 1.8 1–4 1–4 5–23 Cast When Strikes
Demoralize Humanoid Demoralize Humanoid 1-20 pts for 10 secs on Touch
Demoralize Creature Demoralize Creature 1-20 pts for 10 secs on Touch
Found on Bels Uvenim. Needed for The Warlords quest.



Item Weight Health Value Armor Rating Enchant
MW-icon-armor-Ebony Cuirass.png

Soscean's Cuirass

1,600 32,000 60 Constant Effect
Fortify Health Fortify Health 50 pts on Self
Worn by Soscean in The Winged Guar. Needed for The Warlords quest. Note: This enchantment vastly exceeds what a player character can custom-make from a generic Ebony Cuirass, which will top out at a meager Constant Effect Fortify Health 8 points. This makes Soscean's Cuirass one of the most powerful defensive items in the game, though the heavier Daedric Cuirass (which can be enchanted up to +12 Constant Effect Fortify Health), and a few Artifacts, have higher base armor ratings. Curiously, Soscean's Cuirass has a lower stated value than a stock Ebony Cuirass, and slightly fewer Condition points, but the same weight, appearance, and Armor Rating.


Item Weight Health Value Armor Rating Enchantment
Imperial Silver Helm

Imperial Silver Helm

170 120 17 Cast When Used
Detect Enchantment Detect Enchantment 10-30 pts for 30 secs on Self
Worn by Bels Uvenim. Needed for The Warlords quest.



Name Weight Value Enchantment
MW-icon-jewelry-Extravagant Amulet 02.png
Suldreni's Amulet
1.0 130 Cast When Used
Fortify Attack Fortify Attack 5-10 pts for 30 secs on Self
Fortify Blunt Weapon Fortify Blunt Weapon 1-10 pts for 20 secs on Self
Found on Suldreni Salandas. Needed for The Warlords quest. One of the few items that provides Fortify Attack.


Name Weight Value Enchantment
MW-icon-clothing-Extravagant Robe 02.png
Elanande's Robe
3.00 50 Cast When Used
Chameleon Chameleon 70-100 pts for 10 secs on Self
Found on Elanande. Needed for The Warlords quest. Despite its low sale value, it is one of the most powerful Chameleon items available.

Misc. Items[edit]

Name Weight Value
TR-icon-weapon-Nerevar Blade Left.pngTR-icon-weapon-Nerevar Blade Right.png
Broken Dwemer Blade Piece
1.0 50
Almalexia gives one to you during The Blade of Nerevar. The other is given to you by Torasa Aram for donating two items to the museum of artifacts.
TR-icon-misc-Dwemer Satchel.png
Dwemer Satchel Pack
10.0 50
  • 2 in a chest in Bamz-Amschend, Radac's Forge
  • 1 in a chest in Bamz-Amschend, Hall of Winds
MW-icon-misc-Dwemer Coherer.png
Powered Dwemer Coherer
40.0 60
Given to you by Almalexia during the quest A Show of Power.
The Horror of Castle Xyr
3.0 250
Playbook for the lead role in A Star is Born quest.
Scroll of Chriditte's Panacea
0.2 161
A special Cure Common Disease on target scroll, given to you during the Crimson Plague quest.