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Tamriel Rebuilt:Marin Tabas

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Marin Tabas (TR_m1_Marin_Tabas)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home Town Gah Sadrith
Store Marin Tabas: Clothier
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 9 Class Clothier
Gold 475 Mercantile Expert (47)
Other Information
Health 83 Magicka 126
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Marin Tabas

Marin Tabas is a Dark Elf clothier who runs a clothing shop in Gah Sadrith. If you have given Belas Kasihan a generous 'donation', Marin is one of many people who will be willing to give you a better deal.

He wears an expensive shirt, a pair of expensive pants, a pair of expensive shoes, an extravagant belt, and an exquisite ring. He wields an iron dagger.

Aside from his natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by his ancestors, he knows no spells.

Related Quests[edit]


  • Services:
"This is where you'll find the finest clothing in Gah Sadrith. If you look for some suitable accessories you might want to see Cabrinth Dven. However, if you are one of those who does not enjoy spending drakes on their outfit so much, perhaps you should try your luck at the market instead."


  • Items in italics are equipped, and can be purchased if you sell him something better first. (If there is more than one, you may be able to purchase the others.)
  • Items in bold are Leveled Lists. Click on them to learn more about what they may contain.