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Tamriel Rebuilt:Issarbaddon

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Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Bandits, His-Heart-Another-Kind-Of-Clay
Console Location Code(s)
"Issarbaddon"; "Issarbaddon, Lair"
Armun Ashlands, [-5,-25]

Issarbaddon is a cavern home to a sizable bandit gang raiding caravans near Arvud.

To reach it, leave Arvud via its northern entrance, and then go directly northwest into the wilderness, up the slope. The cave is at the ridge's crest.

Garvs Adram at the entrance carries the key to unlock the door to the cavern, and may be persuaded to give it up as part of the quest Stolen Cargo in Issarbaddon. It is this quest that directs you to the cave, for the bandits here have stolen cargo precious to the Uvayn family who govern Arvud - the slave, His-Heart-Another-Kind-Of-Clay. It transpires during this quest that the bandits of Issarbaddon have freed the Argonian, and what the Uvayn's steward, Armas Tyravel has interpreted as a ransom demand is actually intended as compensation. You can choose either to pay His-Heart-Another-Kind-Of-Clay the sum demanded, or take him back to Arvud using force, in which case you must fight through the entire cavern.

While the cave complex lacks any loot of note (other than the Speechcraft skill book 2920, Second Seed in bandit leader Grifa Black-Tooth's chamber), the sheer quantity of goods amassed by this sizable bandit force make a trip to Issarbaddon very profitable.

Related Quests[edit]


Name Gender Race Class Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Addert Hastien Male Breton Spellsword 8 79 120 20 92 Issarbaddon, Lair
Alvmund Half-Orc Male Nord Warrior 12 155 78 20 95 Issarbaddon
Ardraler Felrano Male Dark Elf Archer 9 97 92 20 90 Issarbaddon, Lair
Barilus Qhyre Male Imperial Rogue 10 98 94 20 95 Issarbaddon
Byrnalf Black-Tooth Male Nord Warrior 13 163 80 20 95 Issarbaddon
Galadius Rumariil Male Imperial Warrior 13 153 100 20 95 Issarbaddon, Lair
Garvs Adram Male Dark Elf Archer 12 116 98 0 20 Exterior
Grifa Black-Tooth Female Nord Warrior 17 191 86 0 95 Issarbaddon, Lair
Harrulf the Damned Male Nord Rogue 12 121 78 20 90 Issarbaddon
Heria Vassina Female Imperial Warrior 12 145 98 20 95 Issarbaddon, Lair
His-Heart-Another-Kind-Of-Clay Male Argonian Slave 8 87 92 0 30 Issarbaddon, Lair
Medenia Ardasia Female Imperial Archer 10 103 94 20 90 Issarbaddon
Utrukha gra-Malazg Female Orc Barbarian 9 111 92 20 95 Issarbaddon