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Online:Goblin Marq (person)

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Goblin Marq
Location Stros M'Kai, Screaming Mermaid
Race Breton Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Goblin Marq

Goblin Marq is a Breton who is found in an unnamed goblin camp on Stros M'Kai, on the west coast of the island. His friend Grubby Grunyun is worried about him, and he asks you to find Marq.

After completing the quest Goblin Marq, he can be found in the Screaming Mermaid tavern in Port Hunding.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

When you find Marq, he's inside the Goblin camp muttering to himself, supposedly with things a goblin would say:

Goblin Marq: "Listen. Listen. Hear that?"
Goblin Marq: "Worms. Must find more worms."
Goblin Marq: "Hungry. Need meat."
Goblin Marq: "Bugs. Too many of them."

If you speak to him before finding the brew, you will fail to convince him to come back to his senses:

"Who? Go away."
Marq, Grubby is looking for you.
"Don't like Grubby. Won't listen to him. Go away."
You're a Breton. Don't you remember?
"No! I'm a Goblin. We're a tribe. A family.
Gah. Leave before I kill you."

After you found his brew, you will be able to convince him to stop acting like a Goblin:

Marq, I found your special brew.
"Brew? Yes. Where did you get it? That smell ….
Wait. Where am I? What am I wearing?"
You're in a Goblin camp. Acting like a Goblin.
"I … I remember now. Too much root pulp. Less kick, more crazy.
Grubby was right! I'm out of my gourd. Things are starting to make sense again."
So you'll head back to town?

Marq will strip off his goblin garb and walk naked out of the camp:

Goblin Marq: "I'm not spending another minute in this camp! Thank you, friend!"



After the quest, you find him in the inn, where he will be laying naked on a bench:

"I miss those Goblins. The food was free, and clothing was optional."


Before you start and complete the quest if you find Marq at the camp, he will be naked.