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Daggerfall Mod:Class and Enemy CFGs

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This document is largely based on Mordor's SAV offset list.

Byte   1       BITS    Resistance to:
        Paralysis               00000001
        Magic                   00000010
        Poison                  00000100
        Fire                    00001000
        Frost                   00010000
        Shock                   01000000
        Disease                 10000000
Byte   2        BITS    Immune to: (same table as above)
Byte   3        BITS    Low tolerance for: (same table as above)
Byte   4        BITS    Critical Weakness to: (same table as above)
Bytes  5 -  6   BITS    Various flags:
        Acute Hearing           0000000000000001
        Athleticism             0000000000000010
        Adrenaline Rush         0000000000000100
        No Regen SP             0000000000001000
        Sun Damage              0000000000010000
        Holy Damage             0000000000100000
        SP in Dark
                full            0000000000000000
                none            0000000001000000
                rededuced       0000000010000000
        SP in Light
                full            0000000000000000
                reduced         0000000100000000
                none            0000001000000000
        Total SP
                x 3.0           0000000000000000
                x 2.0           0000010000000000
                x 1.75          0000100000000000
                x 1.5           0000110000000000
                x 1.0           0001000000000000
Byte   7        BITS    Rapid Healing:
         in light               00000001
         in dark                00000010
         in general             00000100
Byte   8        BITS    Regen Health:
         in light               00000001
         in dark                00000010
         in water               00000100
         in general             00001000
Byte   9        ???     Unknown
Byte  10        BITS    Absorb spells:
         no                     00000000
         in light               00000001
         in dark                00000010
         in general             00000100
Byte  11        BITS    Bonuses/phobias:
        + Hit Undead            00000001
        + Hit Daedra            00000010
        + Hit Human             00000100
        + Hit Animals           00001000
        Phobia Undead           00010000
        Phobia Daedra           00100000
        Phobia Human            01000000
        Phobia Animals          10000000
Bytes 12 - 13   BITS    Forbidden material(s):
        Iron                    0000000000000001
        Steel                   0000000000000010
        Silver                  0000000000000100
        Elven                   0000000000001000
        Dwarven                 0000000000010000
        Mithril                 0000000000100000
        Adamantium              0000000001000000
        Ebony                   0000000010000000
        Orcish                  0000000100000000
        Daedric                 0000001000000000
Byte  14        BITS    Expert in:
        Short blade             00000001
        Long  blade             00000010
        Hand to Hand            00000100
        Axe                     00001000
        Blunt weapon            00010000
        Missile                 00100000
Bytes 15 - 16   BITS    Forbidden weapon/armor:
        None                    0000000000000000
        Short blade             0000000000000001
        Long blade              0000000000000010
        Hand to Hand            0000000000000100
        Axe                     0000000000001000
        Blunt weapon            0000000000010000
        Missile                 0000000000100000
        Leather                 0000000001000000
        Chain                   0000000010000000
        Plate                   0000000100000000
        Buckler                 0000001000000000
        Round Shield            0000010000000000
        Kite Shield             0000100000000000
        Tower Shield            0001000000000000
Bytes 17 - 19   BYTES   Primary Skills
Bytes 20 - 22   BYTES   Major Skills
Bytes 23 - 28   BYTES   Minor Skills
Bytes 29 - 39   ASCII   Class Name
Bytes 40 - 52   ???     Unknown
Byte  53        BYTE    HP per level
Bytes 54 - 55   ???     Unknown
Bytes 56 - 57   INT16   Advancement multiplier (1.0 = 256)
Byte  58        ???     Unknown
Bytes 59 - 60   INT16   STR
Bytes 61 - 62   INT16   INT
Bytes 63 - 64   INT16   WIL
Bytes 65 - 66   INT16   AGI
Bytes 67 - 68   INT16   END
Bytes 69 - 70   INT16   PER
Bytes 71 - 72   INT16   SPD
Bytes 73 - 74   INT16   LUC